
Sepio Australia Product Traceability

Tracecheck: Product Traceability Solutions for Brand Protection


Product Traceability refers to the process of tracking the movement of materials, components, parts, and finished goods from the point of origin to the destination. It involves capturing and recording information about the origin, processing, manufacturing, distribution, and sales of products as they make their journey through the supply chain.

TraceChek is a proprietary end-to-end Product Traceability and Asset Management Software solution for helping companies improve their supply chain performance. Users can customize the Product Traceability Software solution to trace the movement of raw materials, components, and finished goods for comprehensive supply chain visibility and transparency to optimize performance, costs, and delivery times, ensure product freshness, reduce pilferage and tampering, and boost customer satisfaction. TraceChek helps optimize inventory, reduces product expiration, and improves production planning and working capital management.




Product Traceability System permits tracking key operational metrics in real-time to keep a check on the health of your supply chain.


Unified integration with software systems, both upstream and downstream, like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) via plug-and-play APIs.

Hardware Agnostic

Unified Product Track and Trace software allows users a selection of options to make all supply chain items, including raw materials, products and components, trackable, depending on their requirements and objectives.

Streamline Operations

The Production Tracking System increases efficiency by leveraging automation and digitization in factory and warehouse operations. It assists companies to improve the operational efficiency and accuracy to reduce losses and minimize overheads arising from manual errors.

Reduce Cost

Product Traceability Solutions allow users to control costs by reducing material and product wastage, managing product expiry dates, refining production planning, reducing cost of holding inventories, and improving the management of working capital.

Traceability And Visibility

Achieve supply chain transparency and traceability to track the movement of every product from factory to consumer. Enable traceability to know inventory levels at various production and supply chain stages, achieve the desired product freshness, and reduce product diversion, returns, and fraudulent claims.


By implementing a Product Tracking System, businesses can guarantee product freshness and recall contaminated or expired products quickly, preventing harm to consumers.
Drug and medicine manufacturers can detect and resolve issues like tampering, pilferage, contamination, and counterfeiting by closely monitoring the Product Traceability System.
Product Traceability Solutions offer traceability that is vital in the automotive industry to ensure the safety and quality of vehicles.
By implementing Product Tracking Software that tracks the supply chain of each component, businesses can identify and address issues, such as counterfeit components or defective parts.
Product Traceability Solutions are becoming increasingly important in the apparel industry to ensure ethical and sustainable production practices.


The principal benefits of Product Traceability Solutions include improved quality control, enhanced compliance with quality and safety standards, increased productivity and efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, increased transparency and trust among customers, and better inventory management.
Barcode scanning in a Production Tracking System involves assigning each product a unique barcode that can be scanned at various points along the supply chain to track its movement. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) uses radio waves to communicate between a tag attached to the product and a reader. Products can be tracked by assigning them lot or batch numbers. Individual products can be assigned a unique serial number, allowing tracking throughout the supply chain. Product Tracking Software using GPS technology can track the movement of products in real time.
In the event of a product recall, Product Traceability Solutions enable manufacturers to quickly identify the source of the problem, the extent of the affected products, and the locations where those products have been shipped. Manufacturers can use a Product Track and Trace solution to monitor product quality throughout the supply chain. Manufacturers can demonstrate compliance with regulations by maintaining accurate records of product movements using a robust Product Traceability System.
The main challenges in deploying Product Traceability Software include the complexity of supply chains, making product tracking difficult, the lack of standardization, leading to confusion and inconsistencies in tracking and recording product information, and the cost of investment in technology and infrastructure. Other challenges in implementing a Product Tracking System include efficient data management of large amounts of data, resistance to change by stakeholders, limited availability and accuracy of data, and complicated legal and regulatory requirements.
Governments can implement regulations requiring manufacturers to implement Product Identification and Traceability. They can also establish standards for traceability to ensure consistency. Manufacturers can ensure they use standardized labeling and coding systems and implement automated systems to track their products. Suppliers can provide manufacturers with the information and data necessary to track their products. Retailers can use traceability to manage inventory, reduce waste, and ensure correct and accurate product labeling.
Yes, there can be additional costs associated with implementing Product Tracking Software like the initial investment in hardware and software, training employees to use the new systems, updating existing processes to accommodate the new technology, and integrating the new solution with existing systems. A Product Identification and Traceability solution may require ongoing costs like software upgrades, hardware maintenance, and data storage.
Some of the ways technology can be used to improve traceability include barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), allowing efficient scanning and monitoring of products throughout the supply chain. Blockchain technology provides a secure record of transactions, offering real-time visibility into the movement of products to ensure they are not lost, stolen, or tampered with. Cloud computing technology can store large amounts of data, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. IoT devices can track the movement of products, monitor temperature and humidity levels, and detect any anomalies in the supply chain. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can analyze large amounts of data to help optimize the supply chain, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.
Product Tracking Software solutions can be integrated with other anti-counterfeiting technologies to provide a comprehensive and effective solution against counterfeit products. RFID, barcodes, and QR codes can help track and trace products throughout the supply chain, making it easier to identify and isolate counterfeit products. A Production Tracking System permits the integration with other technologies like holograms, tamper-evident seals, and chemical markers.
Traceability plays a crucial role in quality control and recalls as it helps to identify the source of a problem, contain the issue, and prevent further contamination or distribution of defective products. Product Tracking Software helps manufacturers to investigate and fix the issue quickly, prevent further contamination or distribution of defective products, help reduce the scope and impact of a recall, and streamline the recall process, reducing the time and resources needed to carry out a recall. Manufacturers can use a Product Identification and Traceability system to identify potential areas for improvement in the production process, helping to improve overall product quality and reduce the likelihood of defects by tracking the entire journey of a product.
Product traceability provides consumers with greater confidence and transparency. It allows them to make informed decisions about the products they purchase by providing information about the product's origin, safety, and sustainability. Consumers can verify the authenticity of products, gain insights into production processes, and have access to information related to ingredients, allergens, and potential recalls.
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